Initially, ‘Glasses of Grace’ started because my niece, Grace, had to get glasses for reading. Since grace is such a spiritual topic and the fact that my niece is such a doll, I started thinking about the ways God shows us His grace on a daily basis. From His servings, His 'glasses of grace' to us - to seeing the world through the eyes of grace (or Grace, since she had new glasses and better sight), it made sense in more ways than one, so a title was born. Blessings and all, this is my life…

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Time flies

(Not an original, of course, but applicable to children and adults in our lives...I know it spoke to me!)

One Sunday I was entertained in a farm home of a member of a rural church. The intelligence and unusually good behavior of the only child in the home, a little four-year-old boy, impressed me. Then I discovered one reason for the child's charm.

The mother was at the kitchen sink, washing the intricate parts of the cream separator when the little boy came to her with a magazine.

"Mother," he asked, "what is this man in the picture doing?"

To my surprise she dried her hands, sat down on a chair, and taking the boy in her lap, she spent the next few minutes answering his questions.

After the child had left, I commented on her having interrupted her chores to answer the boy's question, saying "Most mothers wouldn't have."

"I expect to be washing cream separators for the rest of my life," she told me, "but never again will my son ask me that question."

Author Unknown


Tracey said...

That's good stuff and one we need to remember even when our kids aren't so small anymore. I've also always heard it's good to sit down and get down on their level (eye to eye) when talking!

Julie said...

So what do we do now for our boys, get on a ladder???
Robby is taller than me & likes to pick me up but still will accept a big hug from his Mama!!

Cantini #3 said...

Thanks for the reminder to stop what you are doing....

Also, I tried twice yesterday to send that picture. I did a "reply to" from your email and it came back twice. Probably has the church blocked. Send me your home email and we can try that. Sorry.

Allycat said...

Good reminder - They grow up way too fast!!