Initially, ‘Glasses of Grace’ started because my niece, Grace, had to get glasses for reading. Since grace is such a spiritual topic and the fact that my niece is such a doll, I started thinking about the ways God shows us His grace on a daily basis. From His servings, His 'glasses of grace' to us - to seeing the world through the eyes of grace (or Grace, since she had new glasses and better sight), it made sense in more ways than one, so a title was born. Blessings and all, this is my life…

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The best friend...

This was on my calendar for last Friday:

"A friend listens with her eyes
and her heart....and understands what
you can't put into words."

I love this! Where in the world would we be without these types of friends in our lives?

When I read things like this, it humbles me in a huge way and makes me realize that I am not the only one who has ever been blessed to have friends who are able to know my heart and thoughts with only a look – when I have either been unable to speak because of a big lump in my throat and tears in my eyes or when no words have been necessary. I know it happens with everyday silly things too, but it seems to mean the most in those critical turning point moments where we just need someone to stand, understand and be with us in the storms of life. I have been blessed enough to have a precious few people who immediately come to mind and for those of you who have been ‘that friend’ to me, you know who you are and I could never be more grateful. You are loved and appreciated more than you know.

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